I was curious on how many lines of codes we are working. There were only nebulous guesses of around 100.000 locs – but no official ones. So I googled a bit and found CLOC, a counting tool for lines of code. I ran it on my ActiveX- and DotNet-folder and it calculated:
· 80,000 loc VB.NET and 40,000 lines of comments in VB.NET
· 410,000 loc VB6 and 310,000 lines of comments in VB6
· 20,000 loc C++ and 5,000 lines of comments in C++
The good number of comments in VB6 might result of the huge header we gave each file and a rather big header for each method. In VB.NET this is more dense.
Another tool on my way to a great developer is FxCop. This program can examine a dll if certain rules are broken. You can select and deselect single rules or whole rule-sections. The rules are made by Microsoft but you can build your own rules and add them. When you run the program, it lists all violation and you can either try to fix them or if you disagree, you can exclude them with a comment.