Friday, September 4, 2009

CodeRush Xpress

Some time ago, I tried ReSharper, but wasn't totally convinced to spend > 100 Euro - so I forgot about it. As I'm doing more and more refactorings (you know, I'm on my way...), I really felt that there could be tools to help me. I read some forums and found CodeRush Xpress. Just have a look at the introductory video here and you want to work immediately with it.
I discovered that tool the day before I went on a 1-week-no-pc-holiday-trip. As I came back, I was eager to try it and it held all my demands.
I'm using + + <+ / -> (Selection increase / decrease), the camel-case navigation and on a variable (show appearance). And of course I'm using + <รถ> (german layout) to call the refactorings. It's nice how you get a visual feedback for an upcoming refactoring:

There's so much so discover for me. There's also a kind-of mod-community, because the API is open (DXCore) to extend. Great tool!