Sunday, November 14, 2010

Second sprint experiences of the Coding Dojo Helper

The motto of the second sprint was "Visual Studio Integration". On Microsofts website about VS-extensions, there are a lot of resources about extending the IDE. Unfortunately, after navigating around a bit, you quickly land on the boring msdn library pages. As I haven't found any nice tutorials on the web either, I had to find it out by myself: after downloading the SDK, there are new templates in the new project window under the Extensibility-folder. One of them is named "WPF Toolbox Control" and that sounded nice to me and so I took it ;)

Visual Studio Integration
Outline of a WPF Toolbox Control project
When you compile the project, you get a simple, empty dockable toolbox window inside of Visual Studio, like the properties-window but without the properties :)
The main classes of the project are the CodingDojoHelperVSExtension*.*-files, which specify the embedding of the extension into Visual Studio and MyToolWindow.cs, which is your entry-point in modifying the toolbox.
As I'm using Prism, my constructor (which is the complete code for MyToolWindow btw) looks like this:
public class MyToolWindow : ToolWindowPane
    public MyToolWindow() :
        this.Caption = Resources.ToolWindowTitle;
        this.BitmapResourceID = 301;
        this.BitmapIndex = 1;
        var bootstrapper = new CodingDojoHelper.Bootstrapper();
        var shell = bootstrapper.Shell;
        shell.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
        base.Content = shell;
In my solution, I now have three projects:
  • CodingDojoHelper, which has all the logic and UI in it.
  • CodingDojoHelperDesktop, which references CodingDojoHelper and just provides the main window.
  • CodingDojoHelperVsExtension, which references CodingDojoHelper and just provides the IDE-integration.

I just need minor tweaks to adapt it to the 2 scenarios (like shell.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); instead of an transparent background for the desktop-version). This is really nice and I haven't thought that the integration would be so easy. However, I had two problems to solve:

Digest view with the new amCharts

  1. Every VS-extension must be compiled with a strong key. This means, every depending library also must have a strong key. It leads to the point, that I even need the strong key of Rhino Mocks, because I'm using the [assemblyInternalsVisibleTo]-attribute to be able to mock internal classes for unit-testing. Fortunately, Rhino Mocks provides a key callable via Rhino.Mocks.RhinoMocks.StrongName.
  2. I had to switch from WPF Toolkit to amCharts for this reason: the WPF Toolkit is not a published product and therefore, it hasn't got a strong name :( However, I like amCharts more by now :) I don't need to do much designing so that it looks good ^^
New features
What else is new in this sprint?
  • Start-screen: I've made a start-screen where you can select the target-duration of the TDD-cycles. When the time is up, you'll hear a nasty sound bite like "You weak pathetic fool" from the original Mortal Kombat game! So beware and keep your tests small and do make baby-steps to receive a saying like "Well done" from Shao Khan himself!
  • Beautified: You also have the possibility to set the total duration of the dojo and the number of combatants, that is developers. But these two items are just to show off yet, because they will gain meaning in the next sprint. I downloaded gif-animations of the fighters from an internet-resource and used a special class to make them move inside WPF - looks cool 8-) The other cool thing is a storyboard using an ElasticEase that makes the two buttons for modifying the times (which is indeed a styled scrollbar) swing into their new place. At first, I looked in Blend for the easing functions for WPF in vain. But then, I opened a Silverlight-project, build the storyboard there and copied the XAML into my WPF-project. Feels awkward, but works.
  • Config-screen
  • Config-Screen: This screen is also new to the Coding Dojo Helper and it was easily integrated with the help of Prism. Unfortunately, I haven't looked into Prism V4 and the new navigation possibilities - but this is another user story for me in the coming sprint(s).
  • Styling: I've done the same (styling with a Silverlight-project and copying the result into a WPF-project) with a Checkbox. That was needed, because the WPF-Checkbox is precompiled and therefore not decomposable into atomic WPF elements like Ellipse etc.
  • Gif-Editing: I edited my first gif-image inside of Gimp. The finish him-writing wasn't part of the image. So I opened the gif in Gimp, added 6 frames to it with the text and saved it back. It's as simple as that!
  • Adorner: It is now possible to select the keys used to switch a developer and to end the session. I grab the AdornmentLayer, make it 25% transparent and prompt the user to push the new key for it. Luckily, I had to make the same Adorner-job at work last month. So this was a no-brainer ^^
The Coding Dojo Helper is now fully functional and we use it at work in our weekly coding dojo sessions. When I finished my third sprint, it should be ready for release :D

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Training big refactorings with code katas

Recently, we had to refactor some methods out of a class into a new class. In the past, I already made some big refactorings saved by unit tests. Retrospectively, I must admit that my unit tests back then weren't unit tests but mainly integration tests: although I stubbed away the serial communication, my tests used always all layers of the program. So, instead of mocking C when testing D-->C (uses), I mocked A in D-->C-->B-->A. That means, if you want to refactor B in this chain to B'-->B'', you have to adjust all tests of C and D respectively. This is of course cumbersome.
Thank god, I almost always mock the next layer now, so that refactoring the tests is manageable. I even succeeded to refactor the tests step by step in a TDD-manner having mostly only 1 red test. To be able to do that, the Bank OCR-kata has helped me a lot. In this kata, you can do two class-refactor-steps in the first user story. I would like to present the second one in respect to clearly refactor the tests also (it helps a lot if you're familiar with this kata, so feel free to dive into it or even do a test-run for your own before reading further on).
Code so far:
public class BankAccountParser
  private readonly IBankAccountSplitter _bankAccountSplitter;

  public BankAccountParser(IBankAccountSplitter bankAccountSplitter)
    if (bankAccountSplitter == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("bankAccountSplitter");

    _bankAccountSplitter = bankAccountSplitter;

  public string Parse(string bankAccount)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bankAccount))
      throw new ArgumentNullException("bankAccount");

    var bankAccountNumber = new StringBuilder();

    foreach (var digit in _bankAccountSplitter.Split(bankAccount))
      if (digit == " _ | ||_|")

    return bankAccountNumber.ToString();
Tests so far:
public class BankAccountParserTests
  private BankAccountParser _target;
  private IBankAccountSplitter _bankAccountSplitter;

  public void Setup()
    _bankAccountSplitter = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IBankAccountSplitter>();
    _target = new BankAccountParser(_bankAccountSplitter);

  public void Ctor_ObjectIsNotNull()
    Assert.IsNotNull(new BankAccountParser(_bankAccountSplitter,

  public void Ctor_BankAccountSplitterIsNull_ThrowArgumentNullException()
    Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new BankAccountParser(null));

  public void Parse_Null_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
    Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => _target.Parse(null));

  public void Parse_Zeros()
    var zeros = " _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ \n" +
                "| || || || || || || || || |\n" +
                "|_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_|\n" +
                "                           \n";

    _bankAccountSplitter.Stub(x => x.Split(zeros)).Return(new List<String>
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|"

    var actual = _target.Parse(zeros);

    Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo("000000000"));

  public void Parse_AOneAndZeros()
    var oneAndZeros = "    _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ \n" +
                      "  || || || || || || || || |\n" +
                      "  ||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_|\n" +
                      "                           \n";

    _bankAccountSplitter.Stub(x => x.Split(oneAndZeros)).Return(new List<String>
      "     |  |",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|",
      " _ | ||_|"

    var actual = _target.Parse(oneAndZeros);

    Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo("100000000"));
Now I would like to introduce a DigitParser-class which should parse one digit and return a 1-string-representation of it. Therefore, I introduce the interface for it:
public interface IDigitParser
  string Parse(string bankAccountDigit);
Next, I need to inject it into the target. To do that, I take the easiest test and rewrite it using the new interface:
public void Ctor_ObjectIsNotNull()
  Assert.IsNotNull(new BankAccountParser(_bankAccountSplitter,
To make it green, just complete the constructor:
public BankAccountParser(IBankAccountSplitter bankAccountSplitter, IDigitParser digitParser)
  if (bankAccountSplitter == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("bankAccountSplitter");

  _bankAccountSplitter = bankAccountSplitter;
This makes all other tests red because they do not compile anymore. So, alter the setup-method
public void Setup()
  _bankAccountSplitter = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IBankAccountSplitter>();
  _digitParser = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IDigitParser>();

  _target = new BankAccountParser(_bankAccountSplitter, _digitParser);
and one test:
public void Ctor_BankAccountSplitterIsNull_ThrowArgumentNullException()
  Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() =>
    new BankAccountParser(null, MockRepository.GenerateStub<IDigitParser>()));
We're green again and ready for a next test: Assert that when passing in a null-DigitParser, an ArgumentNullException will be thrown.
public void Ctor_DigitParserIsNull_ThrowArgumentNullException()
  Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() =>
    new BankAccountParser(_bankAccountSplitter, null));
This test is red and becomes green with following code:
public BankAccountParser(IBankAccountSplitter bankAccountSplitter, IDigitParser digitParser)
  if (bankAccountSplitter == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("bankAccountSplitter");

  if (digitParser == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("digitParser");

  _bankAccountSplitter = bankAccountSplitter;
  _digitParser = digitParser;
Now comes an interesting step, because we insert an hint into one test how to refactor the sut:
public void Parse_Zeros()
  var zeros = " _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ \n" +
              "| || || || || || || || || |\n" +
              "|_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_|\n" +
              "                           \n";

  _bankAccountSplitter.Stub(x => x.Split(zeros)).Return(new List<string>
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
    " _ | ||_|",
  _digitParser.Stub(x => x.Parse(" _ | ||_|")).Return("0");

  var actual = _target.Parse(zeros);

  Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo("000000000"));
All tests are still green, so we're ready to refactor:
public string Parse(string bankAccount)
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bankAccount))
    throw new ArgumentNullException("bankAccount");

  var bankAccountNumber = new StringBuilder();

  foreach (var digit in _bankAccountSplitter.Split(bankAccount))
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_digitParser.Parse(digit)))
      if (digit == " _ | ||_|")

  return bankAccountNumber.ToString();
Great, but this can be rewritten easier:
public string Parse(string bankAccount)
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bankAccount))
    throw new ArgumentNullException("bankAccount");

  var bankAccountNumber = new StringBuilder();

  foreach (var digit in _bankAccountSplitter.Split(bankAccount))
    bankAccountNumber.Append(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_digitParser.Parse(digit)) ?
      "1" :

  return bankAccountNumber.ToString();
But now, the last test is red. We haven't stubbed the DigitParser there yet. To do this, I move the stubbing into the setup-method and also add the canned answer needed for the last test:
public void Setup()
  _bankAccountSplitter = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IBankAccountSplitter>();

  _digitParser = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IDigitParser>();
  _digitParser.Stub(x => x.Parse(" _ | ||_|")).Return("0");
  _digitParser.Stub(x => x.Parse("     |  |")).Return("1");

  _target = new BankAccountParser(_bankAccountSplitter, _digitParser);
Prepared like this, we tweak the production code a last time ending with
public string Parse(string bankAccount)
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bankAccount))
    throw new ArgumentNullException("bankAccount");

  var bankAccountNumber = new StringBuilder();

  foreach (var digit in _bankAccountSplitter.Split(bankAccount))
    bankAccountNumber.Append( _digitParser.Parse(digit));

  return bankAccountNumber.ToString();
But this is not the end for the tests. Actually, we're just testing if the BankAccountSplitter and the DigitParser are working together correctly. So, instead of the last two tests, we should write:
public void Parse_SplittedInto2Digits_ConcatenateDigits()
  _bankAccountSplitter.Stub(x => x.Split(null)).
    Return(new List<string>

  _digitParser.Stub(x => x.Parse("foo")).Return("a");
  _digitParser.Stub(x => x.Parse("bar")).Return("b");

  var actual = _target.Parse("nonrelevant");

  Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo("ab"));
This points us to some more tests, I had forgotten initially like what happens when the DigitParser returns null or throws an error? What if the BankAccountSplitter has this behavior?

This scales pretty well to "real life" code and as said before, the training with this kata has helped me recognize this pattern during my work and the usefulness of it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Coding dojo helper - Mortal Kombat Edition

A colleague of mine told us that really good developers could do a red-green-refactor-circle in about 90 seconds. This sounds quite fast, but I thought that maybe one day we could achieve that... To help getting a feeling for the time spend doing such a circle, I wrote a tool. This tool should take the time of each developer doing a round and calculate the average time of a complete timebox used for a kata, for instance.

Learned new tools :)

As a kata originally comes from martial arts, the tool got a touch of the famous video game Mortal Kombat ^^ For development, I used Blend, Gimp and Audacity to do the design and learned some new tricks. For example, one can draw an ellipse with Blend and select Object --> Path to convert it into an animation path. This path can be used in a storyboard to make a button go round another control for example:
The second thing I've learned is to capture keystrokes even if the window isn't active. This article of Stephen Toub has shown me how to do that. So, if the user presses the Scroll-Button, the stopwatch starts. If he has finished his work, he presses the Scroll-Button again and the next developer begins to code. At the end of the timebox, one presses the Pause-Button and the screen changes to show the average TDD-time and a chart listing all times:
Neat, he? This is also the first time I used a DCVS.

The first attempt was to use Git, GitHub and TortoiseGIT as mediator. But as I'm developing this on a company-laptop during my ride home, there were some difficulties accessing GitHub and I abandoned this quite fast (I do think there are ways to circumvent this, but I hadn't got the nerves to look for them any further). So I tried Mercurial, Kiln and TortoiseHg and it worked like a charm. If you want, you can fetch the sourcecode at and have a try for yourself if you can master the red-green-refactor-mantra in under 90 seconds. On our first try, we set the alarm to a moderate 3-min-timeout, but did a 4:30 min in average *ouch*. Next time, we'll use a 4-min-timeout and are keen to beat that :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Coding dojos

At work, we do weekly coding dojos since 2 1/2 months now - and it's great!
Every thursday at 11am we meet in front of a computer and start a 1h-timeboxed session. This session consists of 3 parts: discuss kata, code, retrospective.

Discuss kata
First, we decide which kata to start with. If we haven't finished the kata from the week before, we throw away the results and start again from scratch including finding a common interpretation of the requirements (e.g. does an account number consist of 3 or 4 lines). Throwing away the work you have already done is not painful at all. Actually, it is necessary to improve yourself. Seeing direct improvements (e.g. completing a part of the kata which was never touched the week before) is priceless!

This part should be as long as necessary but as short as possible. At the moment, we need more than 10 minutes before writing our first test. I think we can cut that into halves in the coming weeks.

At the moment, we work on the Bank OCR-kata and haven't finished the first user story yet. Before this kata, we successfully finished the katas Prime Factors and Roman Numerals *proud*. We do the katas (as well as our actual real-code-pair-programming) in a flow-Randori system:
The first person to be on the keyboard creates the test-project and writes the first test. After that, we play a round of musical chairs and the next developer solves the test. When it's green, he has the chance to refactor the code using baby-steps. Having finished the refactoring, all he has to do now is to write the next test and initiate the next round of musical chairs (which doesn't necessarily needs music to play in the background).
I think doing this kind of system is perfect when you're 4-6 people. Are there more than that, you would probably more likely do the prepari system. But being 10+ developers, I would rather split the group into two halves than having one big group where not everyone can participate.

About 5 minutes before the deadline, we begin the retrospective and try to find out what was good or what can be better next time. Right now, we're far away from a fast TDD-circle: approximately 5 minutes lasts a red-green-refactor-mantra, which surely can be lowered to 2 minutes.

In my opinion, every company writing software should have a regular coding dojo in the calendar. It helps enormously to spread a common coding style. Everyone learns from everyone, be it new keyboard-shortcuts (- is my newest) or amazing tools like R# or Visual Studio Power Tools.
With coding dojos, it is easy to integrate new team members and guide them in learning TDD. All in all, I highly recommend that!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Prism is witchery

For my newest project, I wanted to use Prism to guide us writing a decoupled WPF-application. I started investigating it and was quickly amazed about the module-approach. In our former WinForms-project, we didn't used a framework to guide us building a nice architecture, but developed our own clsForms-class (at that time even with hungarian notation *awkward*) and used even IPC to communicate across process-boundaries.

I began writing the framework for the new project with heavy guidance of Prism (RegionManager, EventAggregator, DelegateCommands and CommandBehaviors). In the end, we had some modules building a master-detail view with database-access. This was the time when other coworkers started to complain that the architecture is way too complex for such a small application as it is today. We started to discuss how to simplify it and at the end we had a draw in our opinions: some people wanted to keep everything (me included *g*) and some wanted to strip it down to remove Prism, to abolish dependency injection and the IoC container Unity. Our boss had to decide it and spoke to us: "thou shalt remove Prism but keep DI for a better TDD").

The top-3 reasons why Prism is evil for us* are:
(*) i.e. not for me

3) Using the app.config for setting up the modules is error-prone and not type-safe.
I told them that we could do it in code also but somehow I got not heared :/

2) Debugging is too hard.
When you get an exception in a view which will be inserted into a region, you got this Prism-Exception telling you that there was a problem resolving this module for that region. I learned here that you cannot expect everyone to look at inner-exceptions (admittedly mostly at level >5)...

1) Top reason why Prism is evil: it is too intransparent how the regions get filled (witchery *hooo*).
What can I say? For sure, you have to look at the good documentation at their homepage to get the hang of it. Else it's witchery, yes.

So we burned it and removed it from our solution with 10+ modules and about 10,000 loc. We needed 5 hours to remove the lightweight Prism-sections completely and substitute it with our own RegionManager-approach (which is basically the same) and with our own DelegateCommand-approach (wich is basically the same) and without the help for commanding of Prism (we now use code-behind to execute the commands). Ah yes, and we copied the EventAggregator out of the Prism-sourcecode and use it now, because our approach would be basically the same...

Everyone feels better now that the evil is being distroyed.

What was the problem? We're using a whole bunch of new technologies and paradigms in this project (WPF is new to us, as Entity framework, WCF, Prism, TestDrivenDevelopment and dependency injection). This means a lot to learn and sooner or later, your retentiveness is exhausted. This meant to sacrifice a pawn, in this case it was Prism.