I just read the german edition of Clean Code from Robert C. Martin. The introduction made me love this book immediately by a simple drawing. There are two things I’ll take along from this book:
1) For each function f let f.LinesCount < 20
2) Comments are evil
These two rules need some clarifications of course. In fact, the demand to keep functions below 20 lines is a result of another rule: Don’t mess with abstraction-levels. If you see a function with more than 20 lines, this should be a good indication for a mix of different levels of abstraction.
The second rule points in the opposite direction of what I’ve learned at university: one tutor said to me that there should be more lines of comment than lines of code, so that another person could easily understand what you wanted to say. Today with C# and Java, this isn’t true anymore. The code itself became the comment. No more cyptic function-calls or Hungarian notation but intuitive named functions and variables telling what they’re doing.
Although I’m still feeling awkward without any function-header-comment, I slowly try to reduce unnecessary comments like this:
‘ iterate through all alarms
For Each a In m_colAlarms
And transform it into this
For Each alarm In _alarms
The difference is not big but the sum of all changes generates a nice picture.
So, the first dozen chapters are truly inspirational. After that, the book takes a look on bigger examples how to refactor whole classes. This is done step-by-step and after some steps, it’s getting boring. My advice: just read the first 12 chapters and start coding!